A Color Combo Addiction

It is possible that black/white/gray with red shoes is my very most frequently worn combination. Seriously - its almost a problem; as evidenced below.  Should I buy some blue shoes or something?

Cardigan: Halogen
Skirt: The Limited
Shoes: Sole Society (alternative)

Wow, even in just the last month, I've worn this combo two times....This one from last week didn't make it to the blog because I got distracted by my firm's holiday luncheon...

And this one from just three days before that.....

And last month with stripes....

..aaaaannnnnnd just a week before that.....

In fact, I even stuck with my habit while slogging through a five week trial.... I am indeed committed.


  1. If it works it works! Don't fix something if it isn't broken :D


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